Wednesday, March 24, 2010


We walked to the pizza place last night with the kids at like 8pm. Alister guided our way with a glow in the dark Avatar and I felt super pumped that I live one block away from the best pizza in town. Fattttt.

We got home and watched Lost while the little turdz watched The Fantastic Mr. Fox like 9 times in a row. You know... Lost is not even a show anymore. Im pretty sure it's a real place. Im super excited that Satan lives there now. Also glad to see there is finally a program about the evil satan and not just like a comic parody on some sitcom. Satan is so brutal. I bet on the last episode Satan gets off that island and beheads everyone in the world with a crossbow made out of Hitler's forearms.


I'll have stuff up later...

(If Burgertime (bummertime) ever allows anything to ever get done around here...)