Sunday, November 7, 2010

oh boy.

Ever since I got an IPhone a few years ago, I haven't really sat at a computer longer than it takes me to google kittens in sun glasses. But I do that pretty frequently.

Man, he's cool.

Oh! How was your halloween? Did you dig up your dead dogs skull on halloween night? I did.

Ive gotten mixed reactions to this... I don't see the big ol' deal, really. I had always planned to do it with all the animals that might unfortunately die on me. Wizard died about 2 years ago and so I decided to dig up his skull on halloween night with a friend. It was pretty exciting. He had already decomposed to a point where he was unrecognizable. I loved that stupid dog. Is it really that strange?

Anyway, here are somethings I have been baking lately...

Pumpkin donuts with chocolate/ hazelnut ganache icing and a vanilla and rose water icing:

I've been making a lot of mini donuts lately after I found a recipe on Vegan Yum Yum. I sometimes use the real egg and real butter but other times an egg made out of egg replacer works just as great. I altered the recipe to make "fruit" bread doughnuts such as pumpkin, lemon, and banana.


I also tinkered with some fondant. And... it tastes horrible! Like no flavor taffy or something. I don't think I will use it often but it makes cakes look super pretty. Here are some russian dolls mini-cakes I made with Rebekah:
(Sorry about the picture quality... I tend to cook late at night to prohibit me inhaling everything)